Friday, November 16, 2012

Happier now

I made a decision a couple of days ago to be happy. I was feeling like every day was a bit of a chore, so I changed my diet, moved things about and decided to stop inputting my brain with rubbish.


The last two days writing Valoura have been much easier.
Although I am getting a bit bogged down in detail, I am sure I will cut a bit, edit a lot and make peace with the rest, especially after NaNoWriMo.

And...Here is another excerpt to whet your appetite. Please remember that this is very rough first draft stuff, but all constructive comments are greatly appreciated! Also, again, everything on this blog is copyrighted. Ta.

I decide to ride home. I feel like I need to find out what everyone is doing and maybe help in some way. Then I will formulate a plan for how I will conduct my ‘sting operation’ on Carter and Emmerllee. A sting operation is when your undertake surveillance (which means to watch people) and then get some evidence on the perps (perpetrators). Then when you have enough evidence, ya bust ‘em!
It is getting dark and a bit chilly now, even though it is spring the nights are still a bit frosty. I am riding into my driveway and our house is all lit up like a Christmas tree. This is very unusual because my mum is a greenie and is always telling us to switch things off to save the planet.
I can hear some kind of ruckus inside. It is Cee Cee making a fuss about Bas and Billy making a mess on the table. I can’t help but giggle.
When Gil and I step inside the heating is turned up to eleven and the TV is turned up to one hundred and Celia is turned up to a million and Aunt Bossy is sitting in the corner with shorts and a t-shirt on and her fingers in her ears. She is singing a very daggy ABBA song very loudly so as to block out the kerfuffle in the dining room around her.
Bas is spraying pink and yellow glitter EVERYWHERE, trying to get as much as possible in Billy’s hair. Billy is freaking out because his parents are neat freaks and if he even gets one smidge of glitter on the expensive Persian rug he is dead (not literally of course. Literally means you take what I am saying as what will actually happen when really, Billy is just exaggerating. I hope!).
‘Where is mum?’ I say as I think only she could stop this nonsense.
‘Give me the bloody glue Bastian and if you don’t stop attacking Billy he can go home’.
 ‘No!’ Shouts Billy. I get the feeling he would rather have glue stick rubbed all over his forehead than go home.
Aunt Bossy glares at me.
‘Where have you been Valoura?’
I don’t want to tell her. I don’t want her to know anything I do because she will just pick it apart and tell me how dumb I am.
I don’t know why Aunt Stacey dislikes me so much. She and Celia talk a lot about holidays on tropical islands and technological advancements her company makes and mostly Aunt Bossy just ignores Bastian. Me however, she likes to goad, taunt and undermine. This makes me want to not tell her anything and also make me want to prank her as much as I can, which I do do (lol – doo doo, get it?!)
I put cling wrap on her toilet so her wee bounces all over her Chanel suits. I put frog spawn in her coffee mug which she hates because she is a caffeine addict and often says she would murder the queen for just one drop. Bas and I often hide Gilbert poo in her $300 shoes or under the floor mats in her Mercedes. Of course I always get caught and mum has had many talks with us both about our ‘attitudes’ and ‘communicating in a healthy, kind way’. Usually Aunt Bossy and I murmur half-hearted apologies at each other and shoot dirty looks when mum turns away.
She is now looking at me with a piercing stare. Her over-plucked eyebrow is raised into a high triangle and her pointy nose is wrinkled like she has just had a Gilbert poo attack.
‘Your mother is with Mrs Vanmanthy. Mrs Vanmanthy is unwell from the excitement of the day and needs some help around her house. If you ask me, (which I never ever would) I think your mother is too soft and allows people too much of her attention. I am certain she will be home soon. IN THE MEAN TIME (loud!), I want all this packed up and we will make some dinner. (*Sigh* Aunt Bossy makes horrible raw food which I HATE.) Then we will all go to our own rooms and be quiet until bedtime. Got it?’
She looks at us like if we say anything other than ‘got it’ will be locked in the cellar for the remainder of our natural lives.
‘Got it’ we all sing.
After a disgusting meal of raw zucchini pasta topped with tomatoes and raw onion (stinky fart breath!) Celia and I are charged with clean up. Bas and Billy are told to put all bikes and scooters in the garage – as far away from Aunt Cranky Pants’ car as possible – ‘If even ONE scratch….’ The Evil Witch Queen is enjoying a piece of dark chocolate torte on the patio. You get there through the white French doors from the kitchen. Not that I’d want to be there right now.
Celia is sullen as usual and is making no attempt to talk to me as she scrubs a big bowl. I look at her as I am curious as to what she is pondering. I often try to guess what people are thinking as I really want to know what makes people tick. My friend Hattie thinks that I am a little to much a busy body and should ‘let people be alone with themselves’. She always talks in an old fashioned way.
 Celia huffs and turns to me with a glower. ‘What?’
‘Nothing, just wondering what you are thinking’.
‘None of your business’.
‘OK, OK’.
‘Listen Valoura, I have something on my mind and I am not interested in sharing it with you’. A mug slips out of Celia’s soapy hand and hits the sink. The handle comes off and we hear a shout from the patio,
‘That better not be my Snode’.
Snode is the brand of Aunt Bossys’ stupid china mugs that cost like $40 each! I wish it was.
‘No it was the one with the cat eyes on it’ I shout back, a bit louder than was necessary. I loved that cup *sob*.
‘Oh, good’, Stacey murmurs into the night air.
I turn to get the next plate or cup from Celia and I see that she is looking down, a tear splashes on her hand which has a short deep line of crimson on it. She smooshes them together, sniffs loudly and carries on scrubbing.
‘What’s up Cee Cee?’
‘Nothing Loo, just forget it.’

Sunday, November 11, 2012

It's OK

It's OK that I haven't written more than six words in four days.
It's OK that I feel like I am a hopeless writer who can't string three words together.
It's OK that even if I self-publish Valoura as a free ebook no one reads it.
It's OK that I'd rather watch Big Brother videos on the internet the do writing exercises (actually this is not ok, it's really sad and I can't believe I have admitted it here!).

It's OK.

Just Breathe.

Just Breathe and Type.

or not.

Cup of Tea.

Pat the Cat.

Cuddle the Girl.

and B R E A T H E

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


I was inspired by Helena to join in with NaNoWriMo or National Novel Writing Month.

 I have flirted with the idea of joining in the past, but didn't have the mental space to try and  bang out 50,000 words in a month.

In a bid to meet the word target I cheated a bit and submitted the 13,000 or so words I have already produced of VKandtheCSK. But I am hoping to get a decent-ish first draft by the end of the year, so the motivational 'pressure' of  NaNoWriMo will help with my laziness and motivation.

Something I also came across (thanks to the Nanowrimo website) was this beautiful infographic.



Everything here is copyrighted. Please ask the authors permission before using any of the content on this blog.