Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Ahhhhh The Block

Yes, I have writers block. I have a few issues related to tying up loose ends in the plot and I am having the lurgy to even just try to sit down and bang some words out.
Part of the problem is that I stupidly decided to write Valoura Karuna in first person, present tense - if you have ever written anything, you'd know that this is the most difficult narrative mode and is often much maligned by literary types.
I like it. It is a really interesting way to write and for me it helps translate my visual style well. But at times it feels clunky and I am constantly trying to re-read to make sure I am putting things into present tense!

Here are some links about first person present tense.

Have you ever tried this style of writing? Do you like it, or hate it?



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