Monday, February 25, 2013

A new year underway

and not much Blogging from me.

And not much writing either. In fact, my daughter lily has taken to screaming at me to finish Valoura and when that fails, things like this become the wallpaper on my desktop.

There are thoughts buzzing about up there *taps temple* about how I can bring Valoura's journey to a close. I have mapped out the finale but I also know there will be some additions and subtractions to the story even when I'm done. As it should be.

And that leads me to an interesting remembering.
As a child I loved to write. None of my teachers in the government schools I attended saw any spark of talent in me, or encouraged me in anyway and it wasn't until later when I attended a evening class at a community college that I was given some encouragement.
This man said I produced something alright. But he told me I should edit stuff out. Stuff that dragged the story down. And being young (19 I think) my ego was offended and I refused to change a thing.

Now, older and wiser (some might say older and crankier) I know the joy and sorrow and freedom of a good edit.

Anyway, blah blah blah. YES Lily, I will 'Do Valoura'. And thanks for saying she is funny and you like her. 


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